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Company Emails

You have a lot of clients sending emails in your company. Normal personal email accounts, scanners and copy machines, accounting software for invoicing, automated systems, sensors and monitors and much more.

mySMTP offer the dedicated SMTP server as outgoing email service so you do not have to anything else but clicking SEND. Send all from an uniform platform and take the hassle out of daily operations searching for errors and non deliveries different places.

Printers & scanners

mySMTP servers connects all printers and scanners with an email function. Also we can whitelist your WAN IP if clients cannot authorize SMTP login.

Accounting systems

Enable your accounting systems to send out invoices and other important electronic documents and make sure it goes to the inbox without any obstacles.

Internet of things (IOT)

Make sure all the gadgets, monitors and sensors are able to communicate if emails are used as a channel to subscribers.